Dorset Safeguarding Children Week will take place between 18 and 22 November. It aims to raise awareness about the safety of children and the fact that safeguarding is everyone’s business.
Dick Stowe
Dick Stowe, Chairman of the Dorset Safeguarding Children Board, said: “Safeguarding is everyone’s business: while local authorities, the police and health services have a professional responsibility, everyone has a very real part to play. If we all get involved our county will be a safer place for children.”
Safeguarding Week is about making everyone aware of the risks that children find themselves in, often through no fault of their own.
Ron Lock, Chair of the Bournemouth & Poole Local Safeguarding Children Board, said: “One child at risk is one child too many and there are, sadly, too many incidents of children suffering needlessly, whether it is a case of bullying in school, online or worse.”
Safeguarding Children Week focusses on a different area of concern each day. Themes include: domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, bullying and internet safety, young carers, places of safety and child sexual exploitation.
During the week look out for articles on these and other issues in the local media where you will find features explaining what you should do if you are concerned for a child’s safety, where to go, who to talk to or what number to call.
A key element to ensuring we make Dorset safe for children is the support of the public so please help by reporting any concerns you may have.
Safeguarding Children Week is organised jointly by the Bournemouth & Poole Local Safeguarding Children Board and the Dorset Safeguarding Children Board.
For more information about child safety, help and advice please go to either