Thousands of visitors are expected to descend on the Georgian town of Blandford Forum as the biennial Georgian Fayre starts on the 5th May Bank Holiday, between 10 am – 6pm. The Blandford Georgian Fayre is one of the largest in the south and a highlight on the 2014 calendar – certainly a date for your diary.
Blandford Georgian Fayre
You will be able to wander through the traffic free streets of the town centre at your leisure with the stunning Georgian architecture as a fitting backdrop to this huge street fayre and market, where over 20,000 people are expected. The fayre offers a wide selection of entertainment to keep visitors, young or old, entertained throughout the day, with street stalls, traditional fairground entertainers and plenty of music and dance to enjoy.
This year’s highlights include:
The Blandford Georgian Fayre is a non-profit making, enabling, charity that asks the public to donate voluntarily on admission to the town. This year the fayre with be supporting the Weldmar Hospice Trust – a charity that specialises in providing palliative care to cancer sufferers in Dorset. Over the last 22 years of the Blandford Georgian Fayre links have been forged throughout the local community, bringing offers of help that has ensured the growing success of the Fayre, year on year. “We couldn’t do it on our own”, says Janice Driscoll, President of the organising committee, “It really is a testament to a whole community pulling together. Time and commitment are given freely by the committee and the many people and organisations throughout the town.” Funds raised by the Fayre have directly benefited Blandford and its local community in excess of 1 million pounds.
The Fayre opens at 10am with a parade through the town along East Street along to the Corn Exchange. There will be entertainment throughout the day in the Market and Crown Meadows. Free parking is available in several places around the town, shown on the map available at
Alternatively for more information: 07500 135774